Turborix 4Ch RC FM Mixing Control Radio Gear
Transmtiter / Receiver:,
Turborix 4 Channel FM Mixing Control Radio Gear
Model Number : rcps81801
Are you being affected by the financial tsunami? Not willing to spend much money on a new radio but still want to fly with your planes? This 4 Channel radio gear is what you need.
This 4 Channel radio is FM with mixing control. It is perfect for rc planes with ailerons or v-tail as well as Fixed Pitch Helis. The range is about 300-500m(tested).
The TX comes with all channel trims as well as an LED battery power indicator. The transmitter operates with 8 AA batteries (not included).
CE Approved.
Easy to use and operate.
Suitable for planes as well as fixed pitch helicopters.
With mixing control for ailerons or v-tail planes.
All controls with trim and reverse switch.
Operate with 8 AA batteries.
Normal mode can be used in car model and boat model.
LED indicator for low power.
Channel :
4 Channel
Frequency Availability:
Mixing Control :
CCPM Control :
Receiver Weight :
Gross Weight :
Items included:
Tuborix 4 Channel FM Transmitter
Tuborix 4 Channel FM Receiver
Crystals - Tx & Rx
Check price and availability
Found 11 years, 11 months ago