Ready To Fly Pro Tricopter Delrin Kit (RTF)
This is the purchase page for the RTF Pro Tricopter Delrin Kit.
The RTF kit is fully described on fpvmanuals
Allow 7-10 days for assembly.
These kits are fully built with all electronics including NX-4008 motors, 18A ESCs, 10x4.7 APC Props, wiring, and a KK Board Flight Controller (other FCs may be offered as options in the future). We are offering this new Ready-To-Fly (“RTF”) Tricopter as we recognize that there are individuals that are looking to use our Tricopter for aerial photography and videography work and need a kit quickly, don’t have the time to build one, or simply don’t have the expertise or desire to do a build. When buying our RTF Tricopter you avoid having to source all of the various pieces of equipment, which will be a big time saver. You will also avoid all the trial and error in doing your first tricopter build. The way pricing works for our RTF kits is that you will be charged all the material costs (“bill of materials” — see below), shipping fees, plus a sourcing, build and tuning fee.
Check price and availability
Found 11 years, 9 months ago