Hobbyking i86L Multi-Rotor Control Board (Lite Edition)
13 reviews
The Hobbyking i86L Multi-Rotor Control Board supports | Tri copter |
Input Voltage | 4v to 6v |
Input signal | 50hz standard PPM |
PWM Frequency | 400hz for ESC, 50hz for servos |
Gyro scale | +/- 500dps, ODR |
Operating temp | -40° C to 85° C |
Size | 40mm x 40mm |
Specs:, Weight: 8g,
Hobbyking i86L Multi-Rotor Control Board (Lite Edition) features the same level of stability and ease of setup as the standard i86. The i86L features a basic set of multi-rotor layouts and an easy ESC and and stick centering calibration mode via the dip switches.
Controlled by an Atmel Mega168PA 8-Bit RISC based micro controller and utilizing a single 3-axis MEMS gyro the Hobbyking i86L Multi-Rotor Control Board is capable of 6 Multi-rotor craft types and ...
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Found 5 years, 7 months ago