HobbyKing™ Focke Wulf FW-190 Warbird EPO 1600mm (PNF)
Wingspan:, Length:, Weight:, Servo:,, :, Motor:, 6 Channel Transmitter and Receiver,
The Focke-Wulf FW 190 Würger was a German single-seat, single-engine fighter aircraft designed by Kurt Tank in the late 1930s and widely used during World War II. Powered by a radial engine in most versions, the Fw 190 had ample power and was able to lift larger loads than the Messerschmitt Bf 109. The Fw 190 was used by the Luftwaffe in a wide variety of roles, including day fighter, fighter-bomber, ground-attack aircraft and, to a lesser degree, night fighter. The Fw 190 was well liked by its pilots. Some of the Luftwaffe's most successful fighter aces claimed a great many of their kills while flying it, including Otto Kittel, Walter Nowotny and Erich Rudorffer.
When the FW 190 started flying operationally over France in August 1941, it quickly proved itself to be superior in all but turn radius to the Royal Air Force's main front-line fighter, the Spitfire Mk. V, especially at low and medium altitudes. The 190 maintained superiority over Allied fighters until the introduction of the Spitfire Mk. IX in July 1942.
The Fw 190 became the backbone of the Jagdwaffe (Fighter Force), along with the Bf 109. On the Eastern Front, the Fw 190 was versatile enough to use in Schlachtgeschwader (Battle Wings or Strike Wings), specialised ground attack units which achieved much success against Soviet ground forces. As an interceptor, the Fw 190 underwent improvements in the 190D series to make it effective at high altitude, enabling it to maintain relative parity with its Allied opponents.
The HobbyKing Focke Wulf FW-190 is molded in all EPO foam and has a host of features that will make any scale enthusiast happy. Arriving in a plug and fly configuration, minimal work is required to get the FW-190 into the air. We have done the difficult work of installing the motor, servos, retracts, and even LED lights for you. Simply complete final assembly, program your radio, and fly. Scale details include retractable landing gear, like any good warbird should have, a sliding canopy, faux machine gun and other scale parts, working split flaps, with a scale 3 blade propeller rounding out the model.
The FW-190 is very light for a model this size, so if this is your first larger warbird, have no fear, she's a real pussycat. That said, push the throttle to the stops, this Focke Wolfe and this bird comes alive. Climbing to intercept the Allied fighters in a hurry. Coming in for a landing, the flaps, light wing loading, and large propeller disk slow the model down to settle in for nice 3 point or main gear landings.
Be sure to check out the HobbyKing™ Focke Wulf FW-190 today,
• Tough
• Plug and Fly Format, Simply add a Battery and Reciever!
• Large Size Ideal for Stable Flying in a Variety of Weather Conditions
• Retractable landing gear and split flaps
• LED Navigation lights pre-installed
• Sliding canopy
• Large removable battery hatch
• Bolt on tail, no glue required
6S 22.2V 4000mAh LiPoly Battery
Check price and availability
Found 10 years, 6 months ago