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Iftron - YellowJacket 5.8 Pro Diversity Receiver

:, , Receiver Frequencies (GHz):, 5.740, 5.760, 5.780, 5.800, 5.820, 5.840, 5.860, :, , Size:, , Weight:, , Input Voltage:, , Input Power:, , Dual Video Outputs:, , Dual Audio Outputs:, , Microphone Input:, , Microphone Volume:,

Item Description

YellowJacket 5.8 Pro is the latest innovation from Iftron! The YellowJacket 5.8 Pro is designed to be compatible with 2.4GHz remote control transmitters and receivers that are quickly gaining in popularity. Using Iftron's exclusive technology, YellowJacket switches instantly to the best signal between video frames where it can't be seen. Because switching is invisible, YellowJacket makes a chirping sound during switching, thus assuring you that YellowJacket is selecting the best video signal.

YellowJacket 5.8 Pro can tune to 7 frequencies in the 5.8GHz band and receives 2 side channels for audio and data transmission.

YellowJacket 5.8 Pro features 2 separate 75 ohm video and audio outputs so 2 recording and monitoring devices can be hooked up at the same time. No more splitters!

YellowJacket 5.8 Pro's exclusive microphone input allows observers and guests to add comments in real-time right on the audio output stream. Moreover the microphone amplifier boasts an automatic level control (ALC) circuit that produces excellent sound quality from widely varying input volume while reducing or eliminated annoying background noise. Do not underestimate the power and convenience of this much sought-after feature!New in the 5.8 Pro is an exclusive field strength meter and an automatic battery saver that warns then shuts down to avoid battery damage.

YellowJacket sips power and can operate from any DC power source from 6 to 15VDC.

Comes with whip antennas and AV cable.

Channel 1   5.740GHz
Channel 2   5.760 GHz
Channel 3   5.780 GHz
Channel 4   5.800 GHz
Channel 5   5.820 GHz
Channel 6   5.840 GHz
Channel 7   5.860 GHz

Made in USA

Lead Free

See our Demo movie here

Patents Pending

Additional Features
Stealth Mode (system mute)

Microphone dubbing input

Built in field strength meter

Automatic battery saver

2 side channels of reception for audio/data

medium speed serial data capable

Single button operation

All user settings saved for next session

Click here for the latest user manual (PDF)


4.75 x 2.84 x .75 in.

7.5 oz.

6 to 15 VDC

2 Watts at any input voltage. See Chart Below

Antenna Inputs

Dual SMA

RF Sensitivity

~ -85dBm typ

1Vp-p @75 Ohms

Line-Level 50~20KHz

3.5mm Condenser/Fet 600 ohms

Automatic Level Controlled (ALC)

Output Connection

3.5mm DVR (Video, L- R Audio)

Check price and availability

Found 8 years, 9 months ago

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